Welcome to Vaccination Side Effects (dot) Org.
We exist for one reason, and that is to support your voice on our uncensored platform.
Our discussion forum is solely created to give everyone a place to tell their story, ask questions, and share answers to the ever increasing side effects people are reporting world-wide.
If you are ready to join our discussion forum, please do so immediately by following these two steps:
You can create an account with only an email address and any username you choose.
Then confirm by email, and you’re all set to login to your account.
One more thing… the info graphic below is a simple way for us to make suggestions for you if you are not comfortable writing the terms vaccine, or vaccination. This also applied if you would like to use substitutes for the Corona Virus or Covid-19.

There are many reputable physicians and health professionals, spear-heading a new frontier, to find antidotes for newly caused health problems.
That’s why have many Help Pages to give you a broader perspective about the Vaccination Side Effects.
There is a wide array of symptoms, where we have covered the Main Side Effects, and then also created help pages separated by Vaccine Brands.
Then we also have a Vaccine Experts category, with well known individuals such as Doctor Robert Malone.
Finally, we have a help pages category specially for Detox and Reversals to help with your personal research.
Our aim is to keep this discussion forum up and running 100% of the time, to support your voice, and give the community a safe place to exchange opinions, questions, and answers to the growing issue of side effects.
You can also stay up to date with us on our News & Updates around Vaccinations and mandates.